Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Catch Me If You Can...

Today is the second day of my second semester of doing my music degree...I'm feeling pretty darn pleased with myself right now because I've been getting some fab marks back from last semester, all helping me on my way to becoming the musician I want to be! :D My lowest mark out of the entire semester was 85% and that is an A...sorry bout the bragging but I'm so proud right now!

But my reason for coming on here again and sharing is that I wanted to share my semi-new love and dreams that is...drum roll please...RUNNING!!!

A week or so ago I decided I wanted to run Round the Bridges which is a running event in Hamilton that goes around the bridges (as the name suggests) and along the river, it's 12km and I am confident that I can run that in a decent time (for me)and not kill myself in the process! I've always wanted to run a marathon but had no real intentions of training for any sort of running event for the near future but I have been getting inspired lately!

My main inspiration was from reading a book by Shauna Reid called The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl which is basically Shauna's blog that she wrote while she was trying to lose weight. It is really an amazing story! I'd recommend it to anyone, it is so inspirational-for more than just losing weight, as you can see from me being inspired to do a running event. Her blog is still there and it is awesome so check it out! http://www.dietgirl.org/dietgirl/

So after I decided I wanted to run in this event I headed to the local library and checked out a few books. The first one I read was Short Fat Chick To Marathon Runner by Kerre Woodham and it is all about her journey towards running the Auckland Marathon and then the New York Marathon and it includes sections contributed by her personal trainer, Gareth 'Gaz' Brown. By the time I had finished this my enthusiasm had grown and I wanted to go out and run a marathon then and there! I'm now reading my second book about marathons and it is 50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days-And How You Too Can Achieve Super Endurance by Dean Karnazes and is exactly about what the title suggests.

There is nothing more inspiring than reading or heaaring about stories of people who have succeeded in doing what you want to do and So I add a new dream to my list (I'm not sure what number that is...5 or 6?) and that is to run a marathon and get me a finishing medal! And hopefully many more after that...
I have been pounding the pavement already and I'm already getting faster. I'm exploring new running routes (including stairs -groan-) and I'm excited every time I get the chance to go out for a run. So watch this space people! I'll keep you updated on my progress and hopefully there'll be some happy endings to my runnning adventures!

Much Love xoxo

1 comment:

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